Celebrity Rehab is a reality television show created with Dr. Drew. It airs on cable networks that chronicle a group of famous celebrities as they are treated for drug addiction and alcohol. This is created with Dr. Drew Pinsky and the rest of the staff of the Pasadena Recovery Center in Pasadena, California. The first reality TV show season premiered on January 10, 2008. Dr. Pinsky is listed as the executive producer in the onscreen credits of the show.
When the Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew new season premiers on June 26, you could expect to see plenty of familiar reality television faces. The doctor’s new patients include Bai Ling, tabloid mainstay Michael Lohan and ‘Baywatch’ star Jeremy Jackson. Aside from the celebrity patients, the doctor will also be joined by returning counselor Bop Forrest and Shelly Sprague, a resident technician. Moreover, there is also the bipolar and depression disorder expert Dr. John R. Sharp, M.D. and Jennifer Gimenez, the ‘Sober House’ house manager as resident technician.
One episode shows Dr. Drew landing his patients as they first check in at the Pasadena Recovery Center and then meets them individually to check out the role that their addictions play in each of their lives. As patients detox and the intense emotional and physical withdrawal starts, one of the patients suffers from severe panic attacks and even attempt suicide.