Famous Celebrities with Disabilities

 Did you know that there are numerous famous celebrities with disabilities? Many people think that celebrities just shot to the big time. The truth is, many of them have hardships just like everyone else. It might interest you to find out some famous celebrities who have disabilities.

First on the list is Bruce Willis. When he was young, he had stuttering problems. Luckily, he had a therapist help him along the way and removed the stutter completely. Ronald Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s after he was thrown off a horse while vacationing in Mexico. He was operated and doctors believed this was the beginning of the illness. Later, brain cells begin to die. Jim Carey was diagnosed with manic depressive but dealing with it in the most positive way he can.

Leonardo DiCaprio shot to stardom after the Titanic. He suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and he is making a conscious effort to break it. For instance, when walking down a road, he tries not to step on each chewing gum stain. John F. Kennedy severed from several illnesses and asthma is the most severe. It prevented any strenuous activity. Stevie Wonder is born blind and began playing at the local church. He is one great example of what disabled persons can do.