August Celebrities Birthdays

 Celebrities birthdays in August are abundant.   There are many great stars born on this month. If you’re born in the month of August, it might interest you to find out if one of the famous stars shares your birthday as well. Check out who these famous people are.

President Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu. He is the 44th US President and the first African-American one for that. Charlize Theron was born August 7, 1975 in Benoni, South Africa. Halle Berry was born on August 14, 1966 in Cleveland and turned   from a beauty queen to an award-winning actress.  August 15 1972 was the day Ben Affleck was born and so does Joe Jonas in 1989.

Many big stars were born on the 16th day of August, namely Madonna, Steve Carell in 1962, Kathie Lee Gifford, Julie Newman and award-winning director James Cameron.  Demi Lovato was born on August 20, 1992 in Dallas, Texas. Kim Cattrall was born August 21, 1956 in England.  Shaina Twain was born August 28, 1965 in Windsor, Ontario Canada. Michael Jackson was born August 29, 1958 and so does Lea Michele on this day in 1986 in New York. Celebrities born in August have a wide range of talents and have paid their dues and hit the big time.